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Our Story

Operating in the Utah Construction Industry since 2004, with myself and staffs that consist of more than 20 years of construction experience here in Utah. We’ve built an impressive track record providing specialist concrete work, design, landscaping, and construction services. Our friendly team and quality service, fast & safe construction work proved to be the edge. Faustina Construction LLC believes that repeat business is a measure of our overall success in the construction industry.

workers having a meeting

Customer Service Driven

Our customers return repeatedly, happy to refer us to others because they know that we are trustworthy and reliable. Our clientele knows we will deliver them an exceptional result on time, on budget, and to the desired standard. We are very passionate about what we are good at serving our customers. With our significant industry experience with our commitment to quality added value, our clients are assured of the very best outcome every time. Faustina Concrete Construction LLC learns from our experiences, and we commit to excellence in everything we do as we love our community. We love the place, go hard Utah State!

Health and Safety First

We take health and safety seriously, and that’s why Faustina Construction LLC has a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System. We work hard to drive continuous improvement and ensure the best practices of health and safety procedures are in place on all our sites. We are committed to safeguarding the well-being of those who work for and with us. Faustina Construction LLC ensures we expose no members of the public to hazards because of our activities. Safety is a part of our culture.

Meet the Team

Sione Aholoka Tonga

Sione ‘Aholoka Tonga

Owner/Managing Director

Tel: 801-425-5600

Siaki Tonga

Siaki Tonga (Jack)

Site Manager

Tel: 801-400-6300

Discover the Beauty of Custom Concrete With Us